Version 4.2 (February 2024): Added support in html Added possibility to refer to inner properties inside .properties files Fixed if destination directory is empty use the base directory Set new destination directory if old destination directory was the same as the old source Portable version will create temporary files in the application directory Various bug fixes and small improvements in the application framework Version 4.1 (November 2023): New tool: Find invalid local links Optimized getting images size without opening the whole images Added possibility to define a prefix for loading properties Include and exclude are now matching file name (and not file path) Added possibility to pass * in include and exclude like *help.html When an error occurred also report in which file it happened For some optimizations do now save the same file if nothing is changed Do not reload source file if not changed Fixed dialogue asking to overwrite files now showing text Fixed replace tags with properties missing some text Improved help Various bug fixes and small improvements More than 100 bug fixes and small improvements in the application framework Version 4.0 (June 2023): Each month, the first 1,000 processed files are free and don't need a license key. Now that the first 1,000 processed files are for free, Website Optimizer Lite will be removed. Faster to read files Added replace between tags optimization (HTML, CSS & JavaScript) Added support for properties in replace between tags Added support for to replace text Fixed replacing tokens with content from a file. Use html, htm and xhtml as default html extension when not defined Fixed documentation on how to replace tokens with the content from a file. Fixed keep last modified time of the file The destination file will be overwritten if the has been modified. JavaScript and CSS will be optimized in a .min.js or .min.css if destination directory is the same as the website directory. Fixed loading and saving is done in UTF-8. Fixed optimize JavaScript was using css extension. Avoid overriding file if no changed is performed on the HTML file. New application frameworks: - Main window always on top - Transparent main window - Skins (More than 20, including many dark themes) - Define proxy to access internet - Feedback form - New about dialog - See changes - Check for updates - Show licenses - Show system infos, including logs - Installers include a recent Java Runtime - Dmg signed and notorized for Mac OS X Upgraded YUI Compressor to version 2.4.9. Upgraded Jericho HTML to version 3.4. Many more user interaction small improvements. New website url: Version 3.0 (November 2012): Japplis Website Optimizer is now free. Choose directory dialog will start from the last selected directory. Added ETagging to cached files. Added tooltips for some of the optimizations. Added replace tokens in files (Pro version only) Added option to copy all the file from the website directory to the optimized directory. Added history and bookmark for text fields (right click in the text field). Ant task, replaced registrationFile with wsopath attribute. Warning pop-up if the source directory is the same as the optimized directory. Fixed finding files in subdirectories using the include field. Fixed incorrect leading / in alt text for images. Fixed changing options needed restart to work properly. Fixed incorrect compressed HTML handling in generated .htaccess. Upgraded to Jericho HTML 3.2. Upgraded to YUI compressor 2.4.7. Upgraded to Inno Setup 5.5.2 Windows installer. Upgraded to Launch4j 3.0.2 for the portable version. Upgraded to Java 7u9. Version 2.0: Added possibility to only optimize in the compressed file. Added possibility to keep the original file timestamp. Added optimization of PHP (the code generated by PHP). Added command line execution. Added Ant task. Improved loading and saving parameters. Added possibility to specify which files to include and exclude. Improved creation and message when creating the .htaccess file. The original .htaccess is copied if it exists. Improved installer informations. Several bug fixes. Upgraded to MigLayout 3.7. Upgraded to YUI compressor 2.4.2. Upgraded to Jericho HTML 3.0. Upgraded to Java 6u13 kernel. Now Java 5 or higher is required. Version 1.0: Fixed name of the installed icon. Download also available as Windows Portable application. Improved shareware panel. Fixed incorrect warning for -opt destination directory. Upgraded to Java 6u11 kernel. Version 1.0-beta: Fixed possible incorrect gzip content-encoding for .htaccess. Added documentation in .htaccess for better control of the cache. Added support for more HTML extensions. Default destination is source + "-opt". Fixed applet (run online). Upgraded to Java 6u10 kernel. Version 0.9: Improved HTML optimization. Fixed generation of .htaccess file. Version 0.8: Everything is done.